I hit a #deer today. 49.781059,8.716111 in the last corner before #neutsch.
I am Ok, just my left ankle hurts abit. But the deer is #dead now. I think it was still feeding some babies. Hopefully they are big enough to get big without there mother.
I was driving with my #motorcycle about 100 km/h. The deer run from left to right. I had completely no chance to hit the breaks. My view almost got straight on the road again. Took a short break and drove back to search for the dear. I am happy that it #wentgood for me.
Thanks to my hazard lights a car stopped and the driver asked me if he can help. I asked him to call the police. Got my helmet warning triangle out and placed it before the corner. Took just about 10 min to arrive. They asked me if i am ok or if the bike is broken. But in that state I did not notice there was more broken then just the grate.
#๐๏ธ๐ #frankensteinsbraut #hazardlights #warnblinkanlage #deerhunting #gutgelaufen #motorrad #motocykl #motorentod #tod #tot #hondatransalp #transalp #transalp600 #xl600v #pd06 #๐ฆ #๐ #๐๏ธ #๐๏ธ๐ฆ #๐๏ธ๐ฆ๐ #ohdeer